
Exnovia de Juan Duque quiere que Harry Styles se entere que está soltera

Al parecer la chica sería fan del cantante inglés

sofia tabares

Sofía Tabares está siendo tendencia en redes sociales por la nueva relación que tiene su exnovio Juan Duque con la famosa actriz Lina Tejeiro. Sin embargo, Sofía aprovechó que su nombre está sonando para ver si hay alguna posibilidad de que el cantante Harry Styles, quien sería su amor platónico, se entere de que está soltera y disponible.


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Esta petición la hizo luego de que leyera a Publimetro Colombia y otro medio impreso, donde se narraba quién era ella y la relación que tuvo con Juan Duque.

“This is Sofía Tabares, a paisa and content creator who has already reached 10 million followers on her Instagram account. Her profile shows works and projects she has contributed to as a designer, including some products she made for her ex.

One of the young woman’s most famous comments is one posted on her Twitter account, in which she said that her family joked with her about her breakup with Duque and how he would have ‘changed’ her for Lina Tejeiro.

Apparently, Tabares and Duque would have ended their relationship at the end of March and they would have done it on bad terms because, according to the hints of the young woman, the romance would have been affected by situations of infidelity or flirting with other people by the musician.

Duque had posted on his Twitter account: “What parties or what. I just want a Harry Potter fan to come with me to the parks and spend our money buying wands.” After this, the paisa wrote: “Well, you had her son of a bitch and you put horns on her” The followers of both characters related the message directly to Duque.


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Definitivamente, la noticia ha sido tendencia durante todo el día. Los tres personajes involucrados en la historia han reaccionado a los diferentes mensajes publicados por parte y parte. Lina comentó que era su segunda cita y estaba a punto de enamorarse. Juan afirmó que le mostraría a la actriz los ‘TikToks prohibidos’. Sofía, impresionada por la polémica con su nombre.



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